Friday, August 30, 2013

Create your first html page in 5 sec!

introduction :

Html? qu'est ce que c'est? -- c'est un languge qui vous permez d'ajouter du contenu à votre page web que cela soit un text , image , audio vidéo ... il est basé sur un script en balise.
Balise? -- Un exemple de  code en balise:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Web Money Making Serie : Google Adwords Keyword tool

The first step to make your website , blog or facebook page ... popular is to know the search keywords that people use frequently and how much competition you have google Adwords gives you that information ,its a tool that allows to the users to know the exact keywords to make in their description to increase their chance to have more audience witch means more dollars in their google Adsense account for example .

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ready to make your first step to build a website !

Hi guys this our first tutorial among a series of lessons that we're going to learn about making some awesome websites

Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to secure a folder with a password !

          You have some precious data , very important and you hope that nobody has the access to it , today I have a very clever solution and witch makes a real computer geek. My solution is to make keyword to access to that folder.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

geek+ I want to be a programmer ! - Code Academy :

     you want to be a geek+ Code Academy is the most powerful website to learn coding , it contains the most famous languages in programming world "HTML/CSS/jQuery/javascript..."